Hopping on to a dating app can seem fun and carefree. Creating the perfect profile for that app can seem slightly daunting. Maintaining communication and actually getting yourself out there can be downright intimidating. So, let’s ease into it with what should be the fun (and honest) part, the profile. The key is to create a profile for yourself, meaning do it for you, pick the pictures that make you smile and answer the questions in a way that makes you happy. This type of profile will attract people who are attracted to the real you from the get-go, making any date easier because let’s be honest, you only went surfing that one time and that puppy is your neighbors.
Looking for your number one or just anyone, both are fine options, but do not refer to them as your “partner in crime” please! Although it may sound cute, no one wants to partake in criminal activities on a first date. If they do, you may want to rethink that date. Avoiding most cliches is probably wise. If you’re on one dating app, you are probably on a few and depending on how fast your thumb moves, you have probably seen upwards of 1,000 profiles so ditch the cliches and be controversial, otherwise known as being honest. Say what you actually mean, being clever and not cliché, if that is your personality.
Be specific. Most people like to travel, but what is your favorite place and why? We all love pizza, but where is your favorite slice from? If you like watching movies, what is your favorite genre? The more specific and honest you are the more engaging and tangible you become. What if you frequent the same independent bookstore as the lovely well-read peruser currently on the couch scanning profiles, make yours the one they stop on! That specificity can create connections faster than holding your sister’s newborn.
Keep it positive and away from past relationship talk. Of course if someone likes you they we will want to know everything about your exes (because torturing oneself is part of the fun in any new relationship), but they can manage that on their own via light social stalking. Keep your profile commentary away from the negative and peppered with the exciting bits about you. Dissecting the nitty gritty can come along quite quickly if the connection is there, no need to pour it all onto the page from the jump.
For the love of all things social media, please check your grammar! There are differences between there, their, and they’re. If you like something as well, that is too, with two o’s. An Oxford comma is not necessary; however, a comma when called for can be very sexy. Spelling things correctly is a highly underestimated and attractive feature in an adult and complete sentences can truly light the fire. You can be brief and carefree while still displaying literacy.
As for your pictures, take off the sunglasses and give us a smile every now and then. Without pictures that show your peepers or pearlies, its easy to think you are not to be trusted or have braces…which is fine, but people would rather know ahead of time. They may have braces too and are looking for a partner that will carry toothpicks and understand the need to cut an apple rather than bite into it! Seeing someone’s eyes, even in a photo, can be essential to immediate attraction. Don’t be shy…but also try to stay away from the mirror selfie. The term “mirror selfie” is enough to make one cringe, and it also says “I could not even run outside to snap a nice picture of myself for this…I probably don’t care about much else.” Make a little effort, it will be noticed.
Confident about your profile, move onto the next step. Engage in conversation, make plans, and show up knowing you presented yourself thoughtfully and honestly…and also, don’t drink too much!
Now now, there is no need to wake up at some ungodly hour in order to be the CEO of the next Apple or Tesla, but perfecting the morning schedule that suits you can help with productivity, diet, mental and physical health.
You wake up every morning, get dressed, caffeinate, feed yourself, and get to work - throughout this Groundhogs Day process you find yourself thinking about that passion project or small online business you wish you could dive deeper into.